Community Partners
A long-term view that creates mutually-beneficial relationships with communities, employees, partners, and shareholders.
- Stratmin believes that a company must earn its social license in any given region by establishing a strong and collaborative working relationship with the community where it operates. Moreover, this social license must be based on a solid foundation and thorough understanding of the language, values and culture of the people in the region.
- Stratmin's projects are located in remote areas inhabited by communities largely dependent on subsistence living and traditional lifestyles. We respect the culture and traditional lifestyles of our community partners, and strive to strengthen the cultural ties in these communities. Our presence can bring benefits to remote regions that are often under-served and economically challenged. Bringing an economic driver to the area will provide jobs, stimulate economic development and improve infrastructure and access.
- Stratmin's donation and sponsorship strategy focuses on education, safety and health programs, with a particular focus on the needs of the local natives and the particular nation's youth. The Company supports initiatives most relevant to community needs, connecting with communities in ways that will help them grow and prosper.
- Stratmin strives to create a balanced development plan that enhances economic growth, provides a safe and healthy workplace and preserves traditional lifestyles - all of which can truly co-exist. Bringing tangible, long-lasting benefits to its community partners as its projects advance through development is highly important to Stratmin.
Developing a Strong Workforce
- Stratmin is committed to developing a strong local workforce while providing an environment where every employee goes home safe each and every day. The Company is dedicated to empowering individuals and communities, working together to ensure a brighter future for everyone.
- Stratmin hires locally whenever possible and encourages its affiliate companies, which operate Stratmin's project sites, to do the same. Stratmin and its affiliates support training programs to develop a skilled pool of employees in the project communities and provides ongoing opportunities for employees to improve their skills. Understanding the local cultures, environments, and social sensitivities allows Stratmin to operate more efficiently and holistically.
- There are many barriers to education and employment opportunities in remote regions and employees often start as seasonal workers with little to no mining-related skills. Through mentorship and formal and informal education programs, dedicated workers are able to develop the skills they need to play effective roles, both at work and in the economic and social lives of their communities. Training typically focuses on four key areas: health and safety, emergency response, environmental issues, and skill improvement. Depending on the subject, programs are frequently offered to contractors and employees alike.